
This is an important journey. While I’ve entitled this new fall sermon series—God’s Restoration and Reformation—that doesn’t mean there aren’t other important things to see on this journey. The title emphasizes what I believe is the main thrust of the book—God’s desire and sovereignty to rescue, restore and reform his people. 

  1. So, let’s not come at this sermon series to merely learn about this very important period of redemptive history. Let’s learn from from this amazing text. 
  2. It’s likely that you have never heard any sermons from Ezra-Nehemiah unless the pastors were hoping to persuade you to begin a building project. I’m not preaching through this book so that we will build some building. I love the one we have. 
  3. However, my hope is that we will see God’s plan for restoration and renewal in us as a church and build us up in the most holy faith.  
  4. Indeed, Christ is building his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail. 

And finally, what is our destination on this trip? As is every week—faith in Christ.