VBS begins soon. Each night we will begin at 6:00pm and we will end at 7:30pm. The classes will include grades K-6 but we will also be prepared for 7-12. Please, do not let age be a factor. We want you to come. In fact, if you are in 7-12 grade, please let us know and we will make those classes available.
For busy parents, we will also have food available from 5:30 to 6:00 if you would like to come a little early. We will end with a back-to-school celebration on Thursday with pizza for everyone--parents included! So, make plans now to attend.
Registration will be available when you arrive or you can pre-register through the tab below.
Curriculum Information:
Since God is all-powerful, He is victorious over all things—kings and armies, all gods, Satan, death, sin, everything. God never loses at anything. God always wins! God displays His power that we might see His greatness and respond in worship. Someday King Jesus will return in victory and destroy all His enemies.
After showing God’s victory in different situations, children are confronted with the question, “Whose side are you on?” The ominous warning from Matthew 12:30a—”Whoever is not with me is against me...” confronts children with the reality that they are either trusting in God or fighting against Him.
God’s victory over Pharaoh and other kings
God’s victory over the prophets of Baal
Jesus’ victory on the cross
Jesus’ victorious return
Parable of the wedding feast